The adoption of AI, its impacts on organizational transformation, and the future of work.
This in-depth research explores AI adoption, its impact on organizational transformation, and the future of work. This quantitative survey gathered insights from a panel of 2,000+ participants - including 1000+ AI users - and 30+ interviews with key figures in digital transformation, including CEOs, COOs, and transformation leaders from ADEO, ALAN, ALMA, ARDIAN, BPCE, DUST, EDENRED, ENGIE, FTCC, GHS, HEINEKEN, LABORIA, LEGRAND, MACIF, MAIF, MALT, PHOTOROOM ORANGE, ROBERTET, SUEZ, TOTALENERGIE, TRANSDEV, VEOLIA and more.
Findings reveal a key distinction: Traditional AI primarily benefits enterprises, while Generative AI is rapidly adopted by individual workers, delivering unmeasured but potentially significant productivity gains. The study aims to resolve the paradox between the expected AI-driven business boost and the current lack of measurable enterprise performance impact.
A central question emerges: how will AI's value be distributed between enterprises and workers? Will AI lead to mass automation and job reductions, or will it enhance human collaboration, improve work environments, and benefit clients? The study seeks to clarify whether AI is a transformative force or just a passing trend.
Table of contents
1 - Traditional AI augments humans on tasks that are out of their cognitive reach.
a) Traditional AI transforms end-to-end processes thanks to more granular and accurate insight.
b) Top-down governance and new profiles are required to deploy Traditional AI.
c) Traditional AI boosts productivity and stimulates growth with job creations.
2 - Enterprise Generative AI assistants diffuse internal expertise, boosting workforce performance & career mobility.
a) Spontaneous Generative AI assistants are unstoppable.
b) Usage sporadicity and versatility dilute the value of individual productivity gains.
c) The rise of Generalists enables workforce flexibility.
d) The need for experts will prevail to feed and monitor trusted AI.
3 - There is a latent productivity boom to be unlocked with AI agents.
a) AI agents are designed to solve well-scoped problems in autonomy and speed up work execution.
b) Repetitive office jobs are at risk of agentic automation.
c) Creative jobs will be democratized, creating new businesses and pushing professionals to excellence.
d) We expect a double productivity & innovation shock with an increasing workforce demand.
4 - Enterprises with proactive AI governance double the benefits.
a) Enterprises need a continuously trained and flexible workforce to keep up with constant AI progress.
b) AI top-down governance can prevent AI risks and protect AI benefits.
c) Agentic transformation will succeed in small teams with strong productivity or work well-being gain potential.
d) As AI becomes smarter, will a few agentic and software businesses replace work?
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